Carbon-based gadgets

        • Embargoed until 1st April!!

This page covers carbon-based gadgets.


Unlike the silicon-based variety, carbon-based gadgets have been popular for thousands of years. Many people find them more responsive, yet they too need to be looked after in order to give the best possible service life.


Some varieties scratch or bite if not treated properly.


Being such a low functionality device you might expect a goldfish to last practically for ever, like a Nokia phone. Sadly, the reality is rather different. Although a goldfish can theoretically live for many years, in practice they quite often die unexpectedly and without warning. The options for repair are extremely limited if not non-existent. Many people upgrade to a hamster, or better still a cat.


In common with many other small gadgets, a hamster has quite a short service life, typically only around 18 months. Unfortunately they are not repairable and there is no alternative but to replace or upgrade when yours inevitably dies. Also, like other small gadgets, you will probably find that although the latest model may have a shiny new coat, it has no extra functionality that you would ever be likely to need. Fortunately, a hamster is very easy to recycle. You simply bury it in the vegetable patch under the runner beans.


Unlike most portable devices, a cat comes with nine lives built in. A good quality cat should therefore give you at least 15 years reliable service, though you may find it a little less responsive and with a greater tendency to go into sleep mode as it ages. In the event of malfunction during its normal service life you can often get a successful repair from a qualified vet. We are lobbying smart phone manufacturers to follow similar sustainability best practice by building nine lives into their products.


A dog can give 15 or 20 years of faithful service, but if it goes wrong it can be expensive to repair in terms of vet's bills. Many faults are the result of poor initial configuration, which can only be corrected by a skilled dog trainer. Good maintenance requires daily walks and much attention, all of which can be time consuming. Regular pat testing gives good results. Whilst keeping a dog can be very rewarding, many people prefer a cat, which is largely self-maintaining, only requiring regular food and a warm lap on which to dry itself when it's been out in the rain.