Summary iPhone iPad and iPod repair

This page summarises the repair if Apple iPhones, iPads and iPods.


Apple iPhones, iPads and iPods are frequently seen at a Restart Party, often with broken screens, dead batteries or water damage. None are easy to repair but some are harder than others. This page aims to help you quickly assess whether a given device is likely to be within your capability, whether you are a beginner with such devives, or have some level of experience.

In the case of water damage, repairability depends on the degree and duration of the ingress of water. Look for signs of corrosion caused by electrolytic action. If only slight, it may be possible to clean off with isopropyl alcohol, however, it may have caused the battery to completely discharge, so requiring replacement, or it may have caused damaging currents to flow, ruining the logic board. It may be possible to fit replacement dock connector and headphone jack if these have been damaged.

Repair guides are available at for nearly all models. These have been trwled for the repairability indications.


Model Repairability Special Tools Comments
3G/3GS 7/10 Suction cup Opens from the front.
4/4S 6/10 Suction cup, pentalobe screwdriver 2 screws release the back. Battery replacement is fairly easy. Screen, digitiser and backlight come as a unit. Replacement is somewhat time consuming.)
5/5C/5S 7/10 Suction cup, pentalobe screwdriver Opens from the front. Screen is separate from front glass.
6/6Plus/6S 7/10 Suction cup, pentalobe screwdriver Opens from the front. Screen is separate from front glass.


iPod Touch

The iPod Touch is essentially an iPhone without the GSM and GPS capabilities but is nevertheless capable of email, web browsing and the majority of apps if connected to a WiFi home router or hotspot, or tethered to a mobile phone.

All models are quite challenging to repair, both because they are harder to open and because the battery is soldered in. Great care, patience and some skill are required to unsolder an old battery and solder in a new one as it is very easy to cause the tracks to lift from the circuit board or to short out the battery, ruining the logic board and/or the battery.

Model Repairability Special Tools Comments
1G Screen: Difficult Battery: Very Difficult The case back comes off leaving the screen, battery and all other components. Opening is tricky – there are 7 clips on each side. Battery is soldered in with wires. Complete disassembly is required in order to replace the screen.
2G Screen: Difficult

Battery: Very Difficult

Case opens from the front. Releasing clips is tricky. Battery ribbon is soldered to the logic board. Great care is required to unsolder it and solder in a replacement.
3G Screen: Difficult

Battery: Very Difficult

Opens from the front, which is retained by 11 clips. Opening is tricky. Battery ribbon is soldered to the logic board as in 2G - same warning applies.
4G Repairability: 4/10

Screen: Very Difficult Battery: Very Difficult

Heat gun Opens from the front with a heat gun. Complete disassembly is required to replace the battery. Battery ribbon is soldered to the logic board as in 2G - same warning applies.
5G Repairability: 3/10

Screen: Difficult Battery: Very Difficult

Heat gun, suction cup There are several models of 5G which differ slightly.

Opens from the front with a heat gun. Complete disassembly is required to replace the battery. Battery ribbon is soldered to the logic board as in 2G - same warning applies.


Consider whether your page should include a specific section on safety, if for example it deals with mains-powered equipment or high voltages, or if special care is required in handling hot or sharp tools, or hazardous substances.



External links

  • External links as bullet points