Deletion log
Below is a list of the most recent deletions.
(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)- 22:11, 29 November 2024 Philip talk contribs deleted page File:Thunderbird Creating Filters.png (Deleted old revision 20241129220359!Thunderbird_Creating_Filters.png)
- 22:11, 29 November 2024 Philip talk contribs deleted page File:Thunderbird Creating Filters.png (Deleted old revision 20241129221055!Thunderbird_Creating_Filters.png)
- 20:48, 23 April 2024 Philip talk contribs deleted page Glossary:Serialisation (Duplicates Parts Pairingnumbers to subsystems of a device such as a smart phone. A process only available to the manufacturer and authorised agents is then used to programme the serial numbers into the device and cause it to reject or limit the functionality of replacement parts such as screens or batteries.", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 14:16, 15 April 2024 Philip talk contribs deleted page File:Safety.jpg
- 21:37, 29 March 2024 Philip talk contribs deleted page Glossary:Password manager (content was: "A password manager is an application (often a browser extension) which stores all your passwords under the protection of a strong master password. It will also create highly random passwords and auto-fill them so you never need to even know what they are. Additionally it will protect you against entering your password in a malicious look-alike spoof website.", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 16:02, 29 March 2024 Philip talk contribs deleted page Glossary:Bipolar Transistor/fr (content was: "Un transistor bipolaire (à jonction) est un type de transistor à 3 couches semi-conductrices. Voir Transistors dans le wiki.", and the only contributor was "Pleriche" (talk))
- 15:40, 28 March 2024 Philip talk contribs deleted page Glossary:Earth Loop/fr (content was: "Lorsque deux équipements audio sont connectés ensemble, chacun ayant sa propre prise de terre, une partie du courant qui devrait circuler entre l'un des équipements et sa propre prise de terre passe par la prise de terre de l'autre équipement, ce qui provoque un bourdonnement désagréable dans le signal de sortie audio. C'est ce qu'on appelle une boucle de terre.", and the only contributor was "Pleriche" (talk))
- 15:39, 28 March 2024 Philip talk contribs deleted page Glossary:Carte fille/fr (content was: "Une carte fille est une carte secondaire qui se raccorde à la carte principale, ou carte mère.", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 15:29, 28 March 2024 Philip talk contribs deleted page Glossary:Conducteur électrique/fr (content was: "Un conducteur électrique est un matériau qui conduit l'électricité. Le métal et le carbone sont des conducteurs électriques.", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 15:26, 28 March 2024 Philip talk contribs deleted page Glossary:Schéma électrique/fr (content was: "Un aspirateur, par exemple, peut contenir plusieurs chemins ou "circuits" où le courant peut circuler, et un ordinateur peut en contenir un très grand nombre. Un schéma électrique est une image de tous ces chemins (ou de certains d'entre eux) qui vous permet de voir comment les pièces sont connectées entre elles et, avec un peu de chance, de comprendre le fonctionnement de...", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 15:23, 28 March 2024 Philip talk contribs deleted page Glossary:Capacité électrique/fr (content was: "La capacité électrique d'un condensateur mesure sa capacité à stocker une charge électrique, capacité mesurée en farads.", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 15:22, 28 March 2024 Philip talk contribs deleted page Glossary:Condensateur/fr (content was: "Un condensateur est un composant électronique capable de stocker une charge électrique. Sa capacité électrique (ou sa capacité de stockage de la charge) est mesurée en farads.", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 15:18, 28 March 2024 Philip talk contribs deleted page Glossary:Régulateur buck/fr (content was: "Un régulateur ou convertisseur buck est un type de régulateur de tension à découpage qui produit une tension de sortie moins élevée que la tension d'entrée.", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 15:17, 28 March 2024 Philip talk contribs deleted page Glossary:Régulateur boost/fr (content was: "Un régulateur ou convertisseur boost est un type de régulateur de tension à découpage qui produit une tension de sortie plus élevée que la tension d'entrée.", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 15:08, 28 March 2024 Philip talk contribs deleted page Glossary:Transistor Bipolaire/fr (content was: "Un transistor bipolaire (à jonction) est un type de transistor à 3 couches semi-conductrices. Voir Transistors dans le wiki.", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 15:04, 28 March 2024 Philip talk contribs deleted page Glossary:Binaire/fr (content was: "Le système binaire est un système numérique utilisant uniquement les chiffres 0 et 1. Il est bien adapté aux ordinateurs, qui peuvent représenter ces chiffres par le statut "on" et "off" d'un commutateur.", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 15:02, 28 March 2024 Philip talk contribs deleted page Glossary:AC/DC motor/fr (content was: "Un moteur universel est un type de moteur électrique qui fonctionne aussi bien en CA qu'en CC.", and the only contributor was "Pleriche" (talk))
- 15:01, 28 March 2024 Philip talk contribs deleted page Glossary:2FA/fr (content was: "L'authentification à deux étapes ou 2FA (Two Factor Authentication en anglais) est un système de connexion dans lequel vous devez non seulement fournir un mot de passe ("quelque chose que vous savez"), mais aussi prouver que vous possédez un objet ("quelque chose que vous avez") ou fournir un élément biométrique tel qu'une empreinte digitale ("quelque chose que vous...", and the only contributor was "Pleriche" (talk))
- 10:25, 21 March 2024 Philip talk contribs deleted page Glossary:Moteur sans charbon/fr (content was: "Un moteur à commutation électronique ou sans charbon ou "brushless" est un type de moteur à courant continu qui utilise un circuit électronique pour commuter le courant entre plusieurs bobines afin de faire tourner le rotor, au lieu d'utiliser un collecteur et des balais pour remplir cette fonction. Voir Moteur à courant continu et Moteur universel dans le wiki.", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 17:09, 20 March 2024 Philip talk contribs deleted page Glossary:Collecteur/fr (content was: "Le collecteur est la pièce du rotor d'un moteur universel qui capte le courant des balais. Voir Moteur à courant continu et Moteur universel dans le wiki.", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 11:49, 9 February 2024 Philip talk contribs deleted page Glossary:Sod's Law (Merged into Murphy's Law)
- 11:21, 28 August 2023 Philip talk contribs deleted page Universal Motor/fr (content was: "Un moteur AC/DC ou universel est un type de moteur électrique qui fonctionne aussi bien en AC qu'en DC. Voir Moteurs à courant continu et universel (AC/DC) dans le Wiki.", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 11:19, 28 August 2023 Philip talk contribs deleted page Glossay:Watt/fr (content was: "Le volt est l'unité de pression électrique, un peu comme la pression de l'eau. Il porte le nom du physicien et chimiste italien Alessandro Volta, à qui l'on attribue l'invention de la batterie. Voir Circuits électriques, volts, ampères, watts et ohms dans le Wiki.", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 10:26, 28 August 2023 Philip talk contribs deleted page Glossarry:Hard Disk/fr (content was: "Un disque dur ou HDD est un type de stockage principal à long terme sur ordinateur très répandu dans lequel les données sont conservées sur un disque magnétique en rotation rapide. (De plus en plus, les ordinateurs modernes utilisent plutôt un disque SSD, en anglais "Solid State Disk").", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 21:28, 6 June 2023 Philip talk contribs deleted page Watch batteries WIP (content was: "This page describes how you can change watch batteries yourself. <div class="showtoc"> __TOC__ </div> ==Summary== Most watch batteries are easy to replace. There are several types of watch back and how to remove them is described separately for each. ===Safety=== 30px|left ::To do this task you need a watch press otherwise you will either be unable to r...", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 21:19, 6 June 2023 Philip talk contribs deleted page Talk:How to submit a manual to the Internet Archive (content was: "#REDIRECT Restart wiki:Submitting repair manuals to the Internet Archive")
- 21:19, 6 June 2023 Philip talk contribs deleted page Restart wiki:Submitting repair manuals to the Internet Archive (content was: "'''This is the Submit-to-Internet-Archive Discussion page.''' You are encouraged to leave any comments or queries below. Please sign all contributions by appending 2 hyphens and 4 tildes (<nowiki>--~~~~</nowiki>), which will be automatically expanded into your user name and a time stamp. ---- Unfortunately this page doesn't follow the Style Guide. I'm not sure where it would go in the Wiki. --Philip (talk) 21:32, 10 June 2021 (UTC) I've at...")
- 21:17, 6 June 2023 Philip talk contribs deleted page File:Img 1199a.jpg (content was: "#REDIRECT File:Head torch.jpg", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 21:16, 6 June 2023 Philip talk contribs deleted page File:Img 1194a.jpg (content was: "#REDIRECT File:Jeweller's eye loupe.jpg", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 21:16, 6 June 2023 Philip talk contribs deleted page File:Circuit board spak gap.jpg (content was: "#REDIRECT File:Circuit board spark gap.jpg", and the only contributor was "Pleriche" (talk))
- 21:16, 6 June 2023 Philip talk contribs deleted page The Connector Menagerie (content was: "#REDIRECT Connectors (External)", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 21:15, 6 June 2023 Philip talk contribs deleted page Talk:The Least You Need To Know (content was: "#REDIRECT Talk:The Absolute Basics", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 21:15, 6 June 2023 Philip talk contribs deleted page Talk:The Connector Menagerie (content was: "#REDIRECT Talk:Connectors (External)", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 21:14, 6 June 2023 Philip talk contribs deleted page Talk:Submit-to-Internet-Archive (content was: "#REDIRECT Talk:How to submit a manual to the Internet Archive", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 21:14, 6 June 2023 Philip talk contribs deleted page Talk:Kettles and Electric Urns (content was: "#REDIRECT Talk:Kettles, electric urns and rice boilers", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 21:12, 6 June 2023 Philip talk contribs deleted page Talk:Connectors (content was: "#REDIRECT Talk:Connectors (Internal)", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 21:11, 6 June 2023 Philip talk contribs deleted page Talk:Air fryers (content was: "#REDIRECT Talk:Small cooking appliances", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 21:11, 6 June 2023 Philip talk contribs deleted page Using US appliances in the UK (content was: "#REDIRECT Using appliances from North America in Europe", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 21:10, 6 June 2023 Philip talk contribs deleted page The Least You Need To Know (content was: "#REDIRECT The Absolute Basics", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 21:09, 6 June 2023 Philip talk contribs deleted page Submit-to-Internet-Archive (content was: "#REDIRECT How to submit a manual to the Internet Archive", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 21:09, 6 June 2023 Philip talk contribs deleted page Safety (content was: "#REDIRECT Restarter Safety Guidelines", and the only contributor was "Panda" (talk))
- 20:53, 6 June 2023 Philip talk contribs deleted page Air fryers (content was: "#REDIRECT Small cooking appliances", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 20:52, 6 June 2023 Philip talk contribs deleted page Clean up! Cool down (content was: "#REDIRECT Clean up! Cool down!", and the only contributor was "Neil" (talk))
- 20:35, 4 June 2023 Philip talk contribs deleted page File:90F88DA4-A798-4A68-B1E5-B772458A620F.jpeg (Not used.)
- 17:52, 24 March 2023 Philip talk contribs deleted redirect Talk:The Connector Menagerie by overwriting (Deleted to make way for move from "Talk:Cunnectors (external)")
- 17:52, 24 March 2023 Philip talk contribs deleted redirect The Connector Menagerie by overwriting (Deleted to make way for move from "Cunnectors (external)")
- 21:22, 18 January 2023 Philip talk contribs deleted redirect Talk:How to change watch batteries by overwriting (Deleted to make way for move from "Talk:How to change watch batteries and straps")
- 21:20, 18 January 2023 Philip talk contribs deleted page How to change watch batteries (content was: "#REDIRECT How to change watch batteries and straps", and the only contributor was "Philip" (talk))
- 16:47, 19 November 2022 Philip talk contribs deleted page File:Watch glass grabber.JPEG
- 13:01, 19 November 2022 Philip talk contribs deleted page File:3-point watch back removrr in use.jpg