Deze site wordt beheerd door The Restart Project. De Wiki is een plaats waar degenen onder ons in de Restarters gemeenschap met ervaring en vaardigheden in het repareren van apparaten en gadgets deze kunnen delen met degenen die beginnen, of wiens eigen kennis op andere gebieden ligt.
Wat deze wiki niet is
Het zal u niet laten zien hoe u een bepaald merk en model apparaat moet repareren; dat laten we over aan de diverse fix-it sites en de vele demontagevideo's. Hier concentreren we ons op basale en breed toepasbare principes. U kunt ook hulp krijgen met een bepaald apparaat op Twitter of Instagram door @RestartProject te taggen.
Voor wie is het?
Het is bedoeld voor iedereen die nieuwsgierig is naar hoe dingen werken en hoe ze te repareren. Er wordt geen voorkennis verondersteld. In de geest van het zo breed mogelijk delen van kennis is iedereen welkom om het te lezen. Om bij te dragen, gewoon aanmelden en beginnen met bewerken!
Zoals elke wiki is ook deze een werk-in-uitvoering. Pagina's waarnaar hieronder in het rood wordt verwezen, bestaan nog niet, maar worden verwacht.
Als u hier iets wilt hergebruiken, kunt u dat doen onder de voorwaarden van de Creative Commons ShareAlike Licentie 4.0.
Voor meer informatie over ons werk en onze visie om de relatie van de wereld met elektronica te veranderen, kunt u terecht op de homepage van The Restart Project.
Algemene onderwerpen
- The Absolute Basic skills you need to get fixing are probably less than you think, in fact you may already know most of it! Check out this list.
- Scared to Repair? Some useful tips for complete beginners.
- How to search - Tips on how to search for useful material.
- Resources - Good sites for fixit or disassemble guides, service manuals etc.
- Diagnosing faults - Common processes for troubleshooting.
- Spare parts - How to source and salvage spare parts.
- Case Studies - Our favourite Famous Fixes in which we learned something new, or which nicely demonstrated a diagnostic or fixing principle.
- Finding a reliable professional - best practices and some London examples.
Bijdragen aan deze Wiki
Elke geregistreerde gebruiker kan pagina's bewerken, maar je bijdragen worden gemodereerd totdat we je leren kennen. Als je je niet zeker voelt om zelf een pagina te bewerken, klik dan op de tab Discussie, dan Andere - Bewerk Discussie, en laat je vrije-vorm suggesties of vragen achter.
- Use this Prototype page as the basis of any new pages you wish to create.
- Our Mediawiki Help page tells you how to define headings, paragraphs, bullet points etc.
- The Style guide defines a consistent layout and style for all pages.
- How to edit a multilingual page.
- Translation of the Glossary, and how those unskilled in wiki editing can contribute.
(Let op: reclame is niet toegestaan op de Wiki. Dergelijke bewerkingen zullen worden verwijderd. Zie voor meer informatie de Restarters Reclamebeleid.)
Woordenlijst van termen
- Glossary - explanations of all the technical terms used in this wiki (and some more).
Repareren met anderen
- Thinking of running your own Restart Party? All you need is here.
- Tools - Building a toolkit for community repair events.
- Restarter Safety Guidelines - Safety instructions to be adhered to at all Restart Parties.
- Measuring impact.
Technieken, vaardigheden en gereedschappen
Sommige echt fundamentele vaardigheden
- Water damage - the best (and worst) ways to rescue your gadget.
- How to wire a (UK) mains plug - this step by step guide shows you simply and with pictures.
- And now, How NOT to wire a (UK) mains plug - some common mistakes.
- How to drive screws like a pro - Using a screwdriver is easy but using it properly may not be obvious.
- Types of screw head and screwdriver - Recognise even the more unusual types of screw so you can use the right screwdriver.
- Rescuing Damaged Screws - What to do if the screw head is damaged.
- How to use a multimeter - the most useful addition to your toolbox after screwdrivers etc.
- How to safely discharge capacitors - essential information if you're working on a mains power supply or a camera with a flash.
- Cleaning - cleaning agents and tools, and various cleaning situations you might be faced with.
- Magnifiers and Inspection Aids - You can't fix what you can't see. How to see better.
- Using appliances from North America in Europe - You brought a US device back with you from across the pond? Here are your options.
- A Guide to Soldering from Kitronic is a complete guide to the art, including video demonstrations.
- How to solder is a more light-hearted and amusing but nevertheless informative resource from Technology Will Save Us. (You don't need an expensive soldering iron though - it just makes it a little bit easier.)
- Surface mount soldering - What you can do and how to do it by supplementing the tools you probably already have with a few inexpensive extras.
Reparatie vaardigheden
- Connectors (Internal) - Various different types you will meet, and how to disconnect and reconnect them.
- Connectors (External) - Many types of plugs and sockets explained that you will find on the outside of your gadgets, connecting them together.
- Connecting and joining wires - different methods for different situations.
- Kleverig spul - Hoe plak je dingen weer in elkaar als ze breken.
Veilig blijven
- PAT testing survival guide.
- Personal Protective Equipment - keeping yourself safe.
- Electrostatic Discharge Precautions - how not to fry your gadgets with static.
Inzicht in hoe dingen werken (of niet)
A Restarters' Training Session makes an easy introduction to the following sections down to and including Electronic Components. It consists of a presentation with audio commentary, lasting around 50 minutes.
- The water analogy - Understand electricity better by the analogy with a flow of water.
- Conductors and Insulators - The difference betwen them, and why you need to know.
- Electric circuits, volts amps watts and ohms - what every Restarter should know.
- Series and parallel circuits - Not quite sure of the difference? All is explained!
- AC and DC - what's the deal?
- Electronic components - recognition, failure modes and testing:
- Basic electronic components - Resistors, capacitors, inductors and transformers, and quartz crystals.
- Active components - Diodes and rectifiers, transistors, and integrated circuits (ICs).
- Passive components - Switches, push-buttons and connectors.
- Protection components - Various devices for over-voltage and over-current protection. Fuses are only the beginning!
- Batteries - different types, shapes and sizes, what they're good for, how to buy them, use them and dispose of them.
- Light bulbs - the several different types and their various shapes, sizes and bases, all explained.
- Electric motors - different types, how to recognise them, test them and maybe fix them.
- Power supplies - how they work, what can go wrong, and how to test and fix them.
- How radios work - basic theory to help you understand what might be wrong when you can't see it with your own eyes.
- Clocks - Basic Principles covers the principles of operation of both historical and modern clocks as background to repair.
- How flip clocks work - those cool retro clocks with split flip-down digits.
- All about SSDs - everything you always wanted to know but were afraid to ask.
Learn About Electronics is an excellent site if you'd like a different view of the basics, or if you'd like to go deeper.
Computers en kantoor aan huis
- How to deal with a slow laptop - mainly focussed on Windows.
- Windows miscellaneous.
- Be Your Own Security Expert - helping people stay secure.
- How to speed up a slow OS X computer.
- Apple miscellaneous including OS X and Macs.
- Linux migration - Choosing a distro, and throwing Windows out of computers.
- CD/USB bootable tools - many of them applicable whatever your operating system.
- Disk Wipe Utilities - How to securely erase all sensitive data from an old computer, and why you should never skip doing so.
- UEFI and GPT - Making sense of UEFI, which supercedes the BIOS in all computers since around 2011, and the GPT disk structure which goes with it.
Computer Hardware
- Yes, you can fix your laptop!
- Stroomproblemen op de laptop.
- Clean up! Cool down! - dealing with dust build-up and overheating in laptop and desktop computers.
- Advanced hard disk tools - and the simpler ones too. Where to turn when the data is in danger.
- SSD Migration and Troubleshooting - Solid State Disks: everything you might need to know.
- Troubleshooting inkjet printers.
- Data Projectors.
- Document scanners - just a skeleton page for now. Can you help by fleshing it out?
- Computer monitors (and flat screen TVs)
Elektronische gadgets
Feature telefoons
Smartphones en tablets (behalve Apple)
- Tablets and smartphones - common problems - just a skeleton page for now. Can you help by fleshing it out?
- Android Tips and Tricks.
- Installing a Custom ROM may enable you to extend the useful life of your phone or tablet.
iPods, iPhones, iPads
- Summary of iPhone, iPad, iPod and tablet repairs.
- How to mend Headphones.
- Quadcopters and drones
- Other radio controlled toys - cars and boats etc - just a skeleton page for now. Can you help by fleshing it out?
Personal e-transport
- e-bikes, e-scooters, hoverboards etc - just a skeleton page for now. Can you help by fleshing it out?
- Audio equipment.
- CD and DVD players.
- Flat screen TVs and monitors
- Draagbare radio's.
- Sicilian screwdriver - slightly more entertaining than the regular sort. (Just for fun!)
- How to change watch batteries.
Huishoudelijke en keuken artikelen
Small cooking appliances
- Air fryers and halogen ovens
- Bread makers - just a skeleton page for now. Can you help by fleshing it out?
- Microwave Ovens (This page contains IMPORTANT SAFETY WARNINGS.)
Other small kitchen appliances
- Coffee makers - just a skeleton page for now. Can you help by fleshing it out?
- Kettles,_electric_urns_and_rice_boilers - how they work and the possibilities for fixing.
- Mixers, blenders and coffee grinders.
- Toasters.
Household appliances
- Carbon-based gadgets - all you need to know. (Just for fun!)
- Clocks - Although watchmaking is a highly skilled trade, there are things you can do with mechanical as well as electric or electronic clocks without taking an apprenticeship in horology.
- Digital weighing scales - how they work and what might go wrong.
- Fans and fan heaters - just a skeleton page for now. Can you help by fleshing it out?
- Paper shredders - how they work, and the mechanical and electrical problems they can suffer from.
- Sewing machines demystified. Trouble-shooting, care and maintenance.
- Steam Irons.
- Table lamps, desk lamps and floor-standing lamps.
- Vacuum cleaners.
Garden and other power tools
- Garden power tools - just a skeleton page for now. Can you help by fleshing it out?
Personal care
- Grooming products - just a skeleton page for now. Can you help by fleshing it out?
- Healthcare products - just a skeleton page for now. Can you help by fleshing it out?
Onafgewerkte pagina's
Naast de hierboven in rood gemarkeerde "skeletpagina's" hebben we de volgende onderwerpen geïdentificeerd die we willen behandelen.
Kunt u uw kennis en ervaring bijdragen, al zijn het maar aantekeningen die iemand anders kan verfijnen en omzetten in een goed georganiseerde en opgemaakte pagina? (Skeletpagina's hebben een bijbehorende "Discussiepagina" waar je halfbakken gedachten en ideeën kunt toevoegen).
- Alternatieven voor iOS voor oudere Apple apparaten.
- Een lichtgewicht browser gebruiken om de levensduur te verlengen van een apparaat dat voornamelijk voor web en e-mail wordt gebruikt.
- Satellietnavigatie.
- Hoe de batterijen van een horloge te vervangen.
(U kunt deze lijst aanvullen als u wilt!)